At Cliffe Enterprise, we value our employees and operate a strict Health & Safety Policy to provide a risk-free environment for staff. As a responsible UK print management company, we

  • Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
  • Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  • Provide and maintain safe equipment
  • Ensure safe handling and use of substances
  • Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees
  • Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks
  • Give staff adequate training
  • Prevent accidents and work-related health concerns
  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions
  • Review and revise health policy as necessary at regular intervals

Health and Safety Policy

Our goal is to prevent accidents in the workplace by following safety standards. It is our mission to ensure a healthy work environment for employees while making sure work conditions are safe and without any risk from our operational activities.

Managing Printing Safely

We strive hard to prevent the risk of workplace injury and ill health. Our efforts are designed to achieve high standards of Health & Safety for staff and guests visiting our work premises.

Cliffe Enterprise understands the importance of compliance with standard legislation and statutory rules governing our industry. We pride ourselves on complying with these rules and regulations while also following our own standards.

We make sure our working conditions are safe and without risk to employee health. There are standard provisions for the storage, handling, maintenance and transport of goods, ensuring that workers are aware of the risks and perform their duties responsibly to remain injury free.

Our management has procedures in place to deal with an emergency that may affect the safety of anybody at the work place. We also provide written safety procedures for employees to ensure utmost safety at the work place.

  • Regular risk assessment of all operations is mandatory, which helps ensure a safe work environment for employees.
  • Special facilities are in place for workers exposed to potentially dangerous activities in the workplace.
  • Provision of first-aid procedures, adequate measures for fire safety, disaster drill practice and regular staff training help us ensure safety of workers at the site.
  • Provision of information and instruction to machine operators and train supervisors in equipment handling.
  • Ensure only suitably trained employees operate machines.